
‘Voluntary Simplicity’ discussion group at WSU
Apr 10 @ 12:00 am – 1:30 am

Public is invited. Please contact Pat Fuerst for more information.

Velcrow Ripper’s documentary ‘Occupy Love’ @ Kenworthy Theatre
Apr 12 @ 2:00 am – 4:00 am

The film is a powerful commentary on the Occupy Movement. Double-check showing times with the Kenworthy.

‘Voluntary Simplicity’ discussion group at WSU
Apr 17 @ 12:00 am – 1:30 am

Public is invited. Please contact Pat Fuerst for more information.

WSU Tabling event @ Terrell Mall, WSU
Apr 17 @ 4:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Note from Brian Koepke:
“We have a conflicting event on the Terrell Mall on April 18th that will distract from what we are all trying to do, so the ASWSU Environmental Task Force and WSU Environmental Science Club would like to invite you to come on Wednesday, April 17th from 9am-3pm (any time you have available during this period would be great). I am truly sorry about the change of plans, but I hope the organizations that have already confirmed: PESC, WIRT, Palouse Transition, PPF, and the Latah Trail Foundation, can still participate in our community tabling event and, maybe, this makes it possible for other environmentally conscious groups to come. We have other WSU groups that will be out there as well.”

PESC Meeting @ Yellow House next to UUCP
Apr 21 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Topics will include: May or June field trip in vicinity of the city of Palouse about green energy; final plans for that evening’s showing of film; Scheduling showing of a series of films like Chasing Ice and the YouTube videos from the UUA Green Sanctuary Global Warming group; Attending Bidder 70 at the Kenworthy on April 22 and meeting for a picnic (potluck or brown bag) before at East Side Park (or other spot – even the church patio); updating our Web site – I need some help! Any other agenda items out there?

PESC Meeting
May 19 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

At the Yellow House as usual (just west of UUCP church which is at 420 E. 2nd St. Moscow). Topics will include: June green energy field trip in vicinity of the city of Palouse and Oakesdale; Idler’s rest maintenance; NWEI discussion book “Menu for the Future; Scheduling a series of films. Any other agenda items out there?

PESC Meeting @ Yellow House next to UUCP
Jul 21 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Topics will include meeting Patrick Johnson about Palouse environmental issues, ‘debriefing’ on the Tar Sands Healing Walk (sharing our photos, sharing what we learned, what do we do next), and discussion about possibility of inviting a First Nations person here in the future to discuss the tar sands. Melina Laboucan-Massimo would be a great possibility.

Keystone XL Planning Meeting @ Pat Fuerst's House
Aug 22 @ 12:30 am – 2:00 am

We’re going to meet at my place this Wednesday at 5:30 for the video chat on “Draw the Line”. This is an organizational meeting for the main event on September 21st. More details in the email below. Please let me know if you’re planning to come.




Here at, we believe, above all, in people power — and there is no better example of that than our work against Keystone XL and the tar sands.


From the summer of 2011, when 1,253 people were arrested in civil disobedience at the White House to stop the pipeline, to earlier this year when we were part of the largest climate rally in US history, to the ongoing pressure of Keystone demonstrations at Obama Administration events — taking action together has turned what was once a done deal into a defining test for the President’s climate legacy.


In the past few weeks, President Obama has said that he’s willing to stop the pipeline if he thinks it ‘significantly contribute[s]’ to climate change — and so it’s time for us to take action together once more. Today’s announcement that he is putting solar on the White House makes his choice even clearer: it makes no sense for him to put solar in his back yard and a tar sands pipeline in ours.


On September 21st, I’d like to invite you to join and allies across the country to put people power to work again. That’s when we’ll be taking action against Keystone and the tar sands in communities coast-to-coast, and telling President Obama that there is no turning back — to keep his climate promises, he must reject Keystone XL.


We’re calling it Draw the Line, to show that our commitment to defending our communities and stopping the tar sands is non-negotiable.


Some of us will draw a line showing where sea levels threaten to rise, others of us may link arms in front of refineries or tar sands industry targets to stop business as usual, still others may march with giant pipelines through the streets — but together we will draw lines that send an unmistakable message that the tar sands are a climate disaster and President Obama must stop the pipeline.


If you think you’re ready to lead a Draw the Line action in your community, click here to register your action and get started:


At 350, we love days of action. We’ve used them before to make waves in international climate talks to help bring heads of state to the negotiating table for climate action, and highlight the impacts of climate change that are already underway.


With two years of historic momentum at our backs, I think this will be a chance to bring together our movement in a powerful way.


We’ll be having a video chat next Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern Time to talk about Draw the Line on the 21st, and the moment we’re in. I’ll be on it, along with several friends from the movement to be announced — click here and you’ll be automatically signed up to get a reminder:


Being a part of Draw the Line on September 21st is easy. Once you’ve found a place where you’d like to draw the line and register your event, there are resources to help you at every step of the way.
If you’re feeling ready to get started, sooner is better than later. Click here to register an action and get the guide for planning your event:


It hasn’t been all smooth sailing for the past two years by any means. President Obama backed the southern leg of the pipeline, which is under construction, and we’re still far behind where we need to be for climate action overall.


But where we’ve made progress, we’ve done so because we stood together, and on September 21st, I hope we can stand together again. Let’s draw the line.




P.S. The news about the President putting solar on the White House is encouraging. This was a campaign we fought hard for — starting way back in 2010 — and it shows once more what we can do when we don’t give up. Here’s a link to a slideshow of photos from the campaign, and a statement from co-founder Bill McKibben:

Friends of the Clearwater BBQ @ Picnic Pavillion, East City Park
Aug 31 @ 12:00 am – 4:00 am

Come on out for the 3rd Annual Hot Summer Days barbeque in East City Park. We will have the grill all fired up; veggie burgers, hot dogs and condiments will be provided. Please bring supplemental food and drink. Families, children, pets welcome. Call 208-882-9755 for questions.

Tribal Activists Meeting @ Lapwai City Park (rain: Pi-Nee-Waus Community Center)
Sep 4 @ 1:00 am – 2:30 am

Nez Perce, Idle No More, WIRT, and allied activists are gratefully anticipating hearing and sharing tribal activists’ insights at a gathering at Lapwai City Park in Lapwai, Idaho. The 6 pm meeting on Tuesday, September 3, may be moved indoors to the nearby Pi-Nee-Waus Community Center if it rains. Listen to the following KRFP interview of tribal activist Julian Matthews by citizen journalist Brett Haverstick, describing the last (first) such convergence.

KRFP Report from Last Meeting
Nez Perce Hold Community Meeting in Lapwai City Park on Megaloads (August 21 KRFP Evening Report, between 11:41 and 3:14)

IRAGE at the Liquid Forum – Boise @ Liquid
Sep 5 @ 12:30 am – 2:30 am

At the next, first Wednesday of every month Liquid Forum, activists of WIRT‘s partner grassroots group, Idaho Residents Against Gas Extraction (IRAGE), will describe what is happening with and how citizens are fighting oil and gas drilling and looming fracking in Payette County. Deserving much more public attention, these processes threaten land, water, residents, agriculture, dairies, and sustainability in Idaho. Please join the discussion and enjoy music by Breakdown Boulevard (as experienced at the Community Progressive III), between 5:30 and 7:30 pm MDT on Wednesday, September 4, at the restaurant/bar Liquid, 405 South Eighth Street in Boise, Idaho.

Idaho Rivers United/Nez Perce Federal Court Hearing @ James McClure Federal Building
Sep 9 @ 11:00 pm – Sep 10 @ 12:30 am

FROM WIRT: In solidarity with Nez Perce megaload blockaders, carpools are departing the WIRT Activist House at 8 am on Monday, September 9, with stops through the reservation, to rally outside and pack the 4 pm Boise federal court hearing seeking a megaload injunction. Advocates for the West will present oral arguments for suspending Idaho Transportation Department permits for Highway 12 megaloads until the Forest Service completes its megaload impact study. After the Nez Perce Tribe and Idaho Rivers United (IRU) versus the U.S. Forest Service case hearing, IRU is hosting a gathering of anti-megaload activists that evening, before we return to north central Idaho. Please contact IRU at 208-343-7481 or if you can attend the party and call 208-301-8039 if you plan to carpool from the Moscow area. The following article and alert describe new developments in this lawsuit.

PESC Meeting @ Yellow House next to UUCP
Sep 15 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Agenda items include deciding on support for the Nez Perce benefit concert. Schedule date for Sustainable Energy presentation – Graham Stevens. What other agenda items are there?

Meeting will be followed by discussion of plans for a presentation on this year’s trip to the Healing Walk. Pat Rathmann, Anne Remaley and Pat Fuerst.

4th Annual Tar Sands Healing Walk Presentation @ TBA
Sep 19 @ 2:00 am – 3:30 am
Benefit Concert for Arrested Nez Perce Megaload Blockaders @ Unitarian Universalist Church of the Palouse
Sep 21 @ 1:30 am – 6:00 am

We have finalized arrangements for a Nez Perce megaload blockaders benefit concert at the Unitarian Church in Moscow and will bring our plans to the Tribal Activist Meeting tonight (Sept. 5). The Friday, September 20, tentative performance schedule sees the Moscow Volunteer Peace Band (Fritz Knorr contact) marching from Friendship Square/(downtown loop?) at 6:30 pm, Jeanne McHale and the Threat Level Purple Singers playing at 7 pm, the Galactic Tofu Farmers (Chris Norden and Leontina Hormel contacts) taking the stage at 8 or 8:30 pm, and Undiscovered Country (Tom Drake contact) performing at 9:30 or 10 pm. For further information, contact Helen Yost at