
Rallies – Millennium Bulk (coal export) Terminals Longview @ Spokane Convention Center
Sep 25 @ 4:00 pm – Sep 26 @ 12:00 am

Spokane and Tri-Cities rallies co-coordinated with Occupy Spokane at the Millennium Bulk (coal export) Terminals Longview public scoping hearings (9/17 Cowlitz Expo Center in Longview, 9/25 Spokane Convention Center in Spokane, 10/1 The Trac Center in Pasco, 10/9 Clark County Fairgrounds in Vancouver, 10/17 Tacoma Convention Center in Tacoma)

Regional Rising Tide Strategy Summit @ TBA
Sep 28 @ 1:00 am – Sep 30 @ 2:00 am

Regional Rising Tide strategy summit (Bellingham, Washington location and dates TBA)

Presentation, “The Whole Story of Climate Change” by E. Kirsten Peters @ 1912 Center, Great Room
Oct 11 @ 2:00 am – 3:30 am

Sponsored by Friends of the Moscow Library. She recently published a book on this subject. PESC tried to set up a presentation from her back at the beginning of this year but conflicts got in the way. Her talk should be interesting and perhaps controversial because she presents climate change from the perspective of geologic history. Flyer about E. Kirsten Peters talk, “The Whole Story of Climate Change.”


While the recent work of climate scientists has added
greatly to our understanding of the fragility of climate, the
public rarely hears from geologists— even though
geologists have been studying climate change for almost
200 years. The typical American has the impression that
climate would be stable if it weren’t for industrialization and
the production of greenhouse gases from smokestacks and
cars. However, geologic history reveals a ceaselessly
changing climate going back millions of years before the
modern economy.


As The Whole Story of Climate explains, several long, cold
spells have been punctuated by short, warm ones. We are,
in fact, currently living in one of the short, warm periods
that the Earth has seen many times before. There is even a
serious hypothesis worth exploring that if it weren’t for the
greenhouse gases created for millennia by agriculture we
would today be headed back into a time of bitterly cold
temperatures worthy of the mastodons and mammoths
many of us read about as children.


Elsa Kirsten Peters grew up in Pullman. She was a geology major
at Princeton and earned her PhD in geology at Harvard. She has
taught undergraduate geology at WSU and is the author of several
books, as well as the syndicated “Rock Doc” newspaper column.
She has also published murder mysteries under the pen name
Irene Allen.

Global Frackdown!
Oct 19 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

TIME TBA — Save the date: On Saturday, October 19, IRAGE, WIRT, and allies around the world are staging another Global Frackdown! See the WIRT website for more information.

Stand Up! Fight Back! Against Fossil Fuels in the Northwest Direct Action Training and Planning to Confront Dirty Energy Invasions @ Liberty Park United Methodist Church
Nov 9 @ 6:00 pm – Nov 10 @ 12:00 am

Wild Idaho Rising Tide and Spokane Rising Tide activists enthusiastically invite regional community members eager to design and stage arrestable protests to the second Stand Up! Fight Back! Against Fossil Fuels in the Northwest! information sharing, brainstorming, and strategizing session. Opponents of coal, fracked natural gas and oil, and tar sands extraction and transportation projects are converging from northern Idaho and eastern Washington for these urgent non-violent direct action training and planning sessions. Duplicate gatherings will occur between 10 am and 4 pm on Saturday, November 9, at the Liberty Park United Methodist Church, 1526 East Eleventh Avenue in Spokane, Washington, and from 12 noon to 5 pm on Sunday, November 10, at The Attic, up the back stairs of 314 East Second Street in Moscow, Idaho. Workshop participants will learn direct action methods as they share their experiences protecting the public environment and health from corporate pillage, and as they prepare to confront coal and shale oil trains before November 18 port scoping period deadlines and when the next tar sands megaloads move through the region to Alberta.


Extraction, transportation, and production of carbon-dense, dirty energy fuels across the Northwest increasingly threaten the wellbeing of people, places, and the planet with their risky and toxic byproducts of polluted air, water, land, policies, and perspectives. Incoming Alberta tar sands megaloads and pipelines, expanding hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) for natural gas, and outgoing coal, shale oil, and tar sands trains bound for West Coast export terminals crisscross our region, as they transform our continent into a resource colony serving Asia and the world. Governments consistently fail to defend their citizens from the ravages of some of the largest multinational corporations on Earth, as they together plunder our public resources, taxpayer coffers, and civil liberties in pursuit of their billions in profits. Fracking Idaho farmlands for gas and North Dakota and Alberta grasslands for shale oil, strip-mining Montana and Wyoming prairies for coal, and steam blasting Alberta boreal forests and bogs challenge the conscious and quality of life of Pacific and Inland Northwest residents and businesses. The railroad industry increasingly hauls countless gallons of explosive oil and tons of dusty coal every day around our remote lakes, within our river valleys, and through our ranches, farms, and cities, to ports on the Oregon and Washington coasts and rivers and ultimately Asia, hastening climate chaos.


Because conventional avenues for citizen recourse to corporate crooks and colluded public officials predictably succumb to industry influenced rules, laws, elections, and bribes, Northwesterners must challenge this corruption and confront the root causes of ecological and economic oppression and devastation in more creative and assertive ways. On Saturday and Sunday, November 9 and 10, Spokane and Wild Idaho Rising Tides encourage concerned people throughout the region to push back the boundaries of their resistance to industrial invasions, with new allies, tactics, skills, and strategies. Workshop facilitators will adapt training to the needs and knowledge of the group, will lead interactive role plays based on real-life scenarios, and will offer the information necessary to stall and stop the forces that are destabilizing our climate and destroying our democracy. Event organizers expect participants to graciously contribute their insights throughout the workshop, to provide potluck food and beverages, and to immediately apply their new skills and understanding to the process of arranging upcoming actions. Please print and post the attached, color, letter-sized flyer and urge family, friends, and co-workers to attend these worthwhile and inspiring discussions and presentations during this day of educational opportunity.


Workshop Dates & Locations
* Saturday, November 9, 10 am to 4 pm at the Liberty Park United Methodist Church, 1526 East Eleventh Avenue in Spokane, Washington
* Sunday, November 10, 12 noon to 5 pm at The Attic, up the back stairs of 314 East Second Street in Moscow, Idaho


Workshop Schedules
10 am Saturday / 12 noon Sunday: Opening Introductions, Intentions, & Issues
11 am Saturday / 1 pm Sunday: Community Organizing & Outreach
12 noon Saturday: Potluck Lunch & Networking
1 pm Saturday / 2 pm Sunday: Campaign Strategies & Creative Tactics
2 pm Saturday / 3 pm Sunday: Non-Violent Direct Action Training
3 pm Saturday / 4 pm Sunday: Action & Blockade Planning


Community Organizing & Outreach
Finding ways for activists to recruit volunteers, Creating consensus and group working relationships, Coordinating events and gatherings, Building a network of alliances and movements


Campaign Strategies & Creative Tactics
Planning and implementing cohesive, effective campaigns that create change, Setting objectives and goals, Identifying and choosing targets, Designing strategies and tactics, Crafting innovative messages and imagery, Engaging the media, Evaluating existing campaigns


Non-Violent Direct Action Training
Using direct action effectively and strategically, Forming affinity groups, Establishing roles, Preparing and staging direct actions, Creating props, chants, and street theater, Managing and de-escalating conflict, Considering legal implications


Action & Blockade Planning
Coherently coordinating upcoming actions, Deploying hard and soft blockades and flash mobs, Stopping people and vehicles, Blocking intersections, roads, and access points, Avoiding authorities’ reaches, Making and utilizing traditional equipment

Stand Up! Fight Back! Against Fossil Fuels in the Northwest Direct Action Training and Planning to Confront Dirty Energy Invasions @ The Attic (up the back stairs)
Nov 10 @ 8:00 pm – Nov 11 @ 1:00 am

Wild Idaho Rising Tide and Spokane Rising Tide activists enthusiastically invite regional community members eager to design and stage arrestable protests to the second Stand Up! Fight Back! Against Fossil Fuels in the Northwest! information sharing, brainstorming, and strategizing session. Opponents of coal, fracked natural gas and oil, and tar sands extraction and transportation projects are converging from northern Idaho and eastern Washington for these urgent non-violent direct action training and planning sessions. Duplicate gatherings will occur between 10 am and 4 pm on Saturday, November 9, at the Liberty Park United Methodist Church, 1526 East Eleventh Avenue in Spokane, Washington, and from 12 noon to 5 pm on Sunday, November 10, at The Attic, up the back stairs of 314 East Second Street in Moscow, Idaho. Workshop participants will learn direct action methods as they share their experiences protecting the public environment and health from corporate pillage, and as they prepare to confront coal and shale oil trains before November 18 port scoping period deadlines and when the next tar sands megaloads move through the region to Alberta.


Extraction, transportation, and production of carbon-dense, dirty energy fuels across the Northwest increasingly threaten the wellbeing of people, places, and the planet with their risky and toxic byproducts of polluted air, water, land, policies, and perspectives. Incoming Alberta tar sands megaloads and pipelines, expanding hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) for natural gas, and outgoing coal, shale oil, and tar sands trains bound for West Coast export terminals crisscross our region, as they transform our continent into a resource colony serving Asia and the world. Governments consistently fail to defend their citizens from the ravages of some of the largest multinational corporations on Earth, as they together plunder our public resources, taxpayer coffers, and civil liberties in pursuit of their billions in profits. Fracking Idaho farmlands for gas and North Dakota and Alberta grasslands for shale oil, strip-mining Montana and Wyoming prairies for coal, and steam blasting Alberta boreal forests and bogs challenge the conscious and quality of life of Pacific and Inland Northwest residents and businesses. The railroad industry increasingly hauls countless gallons of explosive oil and tons of dusty coal every day around our remote lakes, within our river valleys, and through our ranches, farms, and cities, to ports on the Oregon and Washington coasts and rivers and ultimately Asia, hastening climate chaos.


Because conventional avenues for citizen recourse to corporate crooks and colluded public officials predictably succumb to industry influenced rules, laws, elections, and bribes, Northwesterners must challenge this corruption and confront the root causes of ecological and economic oppression and devastation in more creative and assertive ways. On Saturday and Sunday, November 9 and 10, Spokane and Wild Idaho Rising Tides encourage concerned people throughout the region to push back the boundaries of their resistance to industrial invasions, with new allies, tactics, skills, and strategies. Workshop facilitators will adapt training to the needs and knowledge of the group, will lead interactive role plays based on real-life scenarios, and will offer the information necessary to stall and stop the forces that are destabilizing our climate and destroying our democracy. Event organizers expect participants to graciously contribute their insights throughout the workshop, to provide potluck food and beverages, and to immediately apply their new skills and understanding to the process of arranging upcoming actions. Please print and post the attached, color, letter-sized flyer and urge family, friends, and co-workers to attend these worthwhile and inspiring discussions and presentations during this day of educational opportunity.


Workshop Dates & Locations
* Saturday, November 9, 10 am to 4 pm at the Liberty Park United Methodist Church, 1526 East Eleventh Avenue in Spokane, Washington
* Sunday, November 10, 12 noon to 5 pm at The Attic, up the back stairs of 314 East Second Street in Moscow, Idaho


Workshop Schedules
10 am Saturday / 12 noon Sunday: Opening Introductions, Intentions, & Issues
11 am Saturday / 1 pm Sunday: Community Organizing & Outreach
12 noon Saturday: Potluck Lunch & Networking
1 pm Saturday / 2 pm Sunday: Campaign Strategies & Creative Tactics
2 pm Saturday / 3 pm Sunday: Non-Violent Direct Action Training
3 pm Saturday / 4 pm Sunday: Action & Blockade Planning


Community Organizing & Outreach
Finding ways for activists to recruit volunteers, Creating consensus and group working relationships, Coordinating events and gatherings, Building a network of alliances and movements


Campaign Strategies & Creative Tactics
Planning and implementing cohesive, effective campaigns that create change, Setting objectives and goals, Identifying and choosing targets, Designing strategies and tactics, Crafting innovative messages and imagery, Engaging the media, Evaluating existing campaigns


Non-Violent Direct Action Training
Using direct action effectively and strategically, Forming affinity groups, Establishing roles, Preparing and staging direct actions, Creating props, chants, and street theater, Managing and de-escalating conflict, Considering legal implications


Action & Blockade Planning
Coherently coordinating upcoming actions, Deploying hard and soft blockades and flash mobs, Stopping people and vehicles, Blocking intersections, roads, and access points, Avoiding authorities’ reaches, Making and utilizing traditional equipment

Tar Sands Megaload Protest @ Desert River Inn/Village on the Green
Nov 24 @ 10:00 pm – Nov 25 @ 2:00 am

Late on Friday afternoon, November 22, the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) issued a permit to Hillsboro, Oregon-based heavy-hauler Omega Morgan, who intends to begin moving the first, heaviest, and longest megaload of tar sands mining equipment ever to transgress Umatilla and Warm Springs aboriginal homelands in eastern Oregon on Sunday night, November 24. See Wild Idaho Rising Tide’s website for more details.

A Healing Walk Through the Alberta Tar Sands @ 1912 Center, Arts Workshop Room
Dec 7 @ 11:00 pm – Dec 8 @ 1:00 am

Megaloads? Tar Sands? Pipelines? Climate Change? What’s the Connection? Explore these questions with local citizens who journeyed to the tar sands of northern Alberta to join the First Nations (Native Americans) and other concerned citizens from across the continent for the Healing Walk. Led by First Nations elders and leaders, participants witnessed the scale of environmental devastation caused by tar sands mining and crude oil processing.


Six local healing walkers will share what they learned on their solidarity journey, connecting the local and regional megaloads, huge pipeline projects, impacts on people and places, and overarching climate change and moral issues. Their presentation and discussion, A Healing Walk Through the Alberta Tar Sands, will be on Saturday, December 7 from 3 to 5pm. This event is in the Arts Workshop room immediately following the Winter Market at the 1912 Center, 412 E. Third St., Moscow. Sponsored by the Palouse Environmental Sustainability Coalition, Wild Idaho Rising Tide, Idaho Sierra Club and 350 Idaho. For further information, contact Pat Fuerst,

Tribal and Climate Activists Gathering about Mammoet Megaloads (Plummer, ID) @ Benewah Medical and Wellness Center, Conference Room A
Feb 28 @ 11:00 pm – Mar 1 @ 1:00 am

Wild Idaho Rising Tide (WIRT) organizers are holding an inter-community discussion among Coeur d’Alene and Nez Perce tribal members and Coeur d’Alene and Moscow activists about three of the heaviest, longest, and widest megaloads to ever travel on Highway 95 through Moscow and the Coeur d’Alene Reservation and on Interstate 90 and East Coeur d’Alene Lake Drive.


Dutch heavy hauling company Mammoet plans to move the 1.6-million-pound, 441-feet-long, 27-feet-wide, industrial transports to the Calumet-owned Montana Refining Company in Great Falls sometime in March or afterwards [1]. At this closest U.S. refinery to Alberta tar sands mining operations, these shipments would contribute to tripling refinery conversion of 10,000 barrels per day of Canadian tar sands crude into Rockies transportation fuels. Per National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is currently reviewing this transportation project, called the Coeur d’Alene Lake Drive Temporary Overweight Truck Route, before Mammoet and the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) can construct the likely reusable “temporary” Interstate 90 on-ramp near Higgens Point, which would accommodate megaload passage while endangering natural resources and public infrastructure.


On February 6, as Oregon colleagues prepared to file a lawsuit against megaload permits issued in their state, five regional conservation- and climate change-oriented groups co-wrote and sent a letter of concern about these proposed Mammoet megaloads to the FHWA, ITD, and other responsible city, county, state, and federal agencies and representatives [2]. Wild Idaho Rising Tide, Spokane Rising Tide, Kootenai Environmental Alliance, Friends of the Clearwater, and Palouse Environmental Sustainability Coalition strongly recommended that these agencies “better consider and act to prevent the implications of this proposed Mammoet move and on-ramp construction for air and water quality, wildlife and habitats, the regional environment and inhabitants, and global climate.” The organizations formally requested that the appropriate cooperating agencies comply with NEPA mandates, extend and expand their project review and public involvement processes and periods, and delay and deny project approval based on further analysis.


This Friday meeting could feature a tar sands/megaload discussion, regional issue slide show, documentary screening, or action-planning session, depending on participant interests. Event planners ask everyone attending to bring and enjoy potluck snacks and beverages and to assist and coordinate this and future similar endeavors. As WIRT activists and allies have admiringly witnessed across the four-state region, the will to rise up against dirty energy facilitating corporate and government ventures must come from within individuals and groups, so event organizers do not intend to pressure this campaign without local initiative. Coeur d’Alene Chief Allan’s letter denouncing megaload traffic through indigenous homelands greatly encourages us, so we are eager to together support further resistance and to stand with Coeur d’Alene tribal members in protest and protection when the time comes [3].


Please share this message with potentially interested family, friends, co-workers, associates, and local media outlets, and join concerned tribal members and climate activists for this free event on Friday, February 28, from 3 to 5 pm at the Wellness Center conference room A at 1100 A Street in Plummer, Idaho. WIRT welcomes all participants to ride and/or drive with activists attending a non-violent direct action workshop hosted by Indian Peoples Action, from 9 am until 3 pm on Sunday, March 2, at the University of Montana in Missoula [4]. We appreciate your involvement and gratefully anticipate your questions, suggestions, and ideas about any of these events and issues.

Montana Tar Sands Megaload Protest @ Rosauers parking lot, 2350 South Reserve
Mar 13 – Mar 15 all-day

On Wednesday night, March 12-13, the third Omega Morgan transport originating at the Port of Umatilla, Oregon, and carrying Alberta tar sands mining equipment traveled from Darby to Lolo, Montana, and will traverse Missoula on Thursday night, March 13-14, after midnight. Indian Peoples Action (IPA), Blue Skies Campaign, Northern Rockies Rising Tide, and other Rising Tide groups and allies are again organizing and supporting round dances in the middle of Reserve Street, to temporarily block this megaload and share opposition to tar sands development with the whole world. As we await an official media release and action alert (posted as soon as possible from the road), IPA is calling on all Natives and allies in Missoula and beyond to join in this respectful, non-violent protest with no intentions of arrests. Action organizers are bringing independent media to ensure wide coverage, and are hoping to double participation from about 70 people at the previous Missoula megaload protest on January 23.


Contact Wild Idaho Rising Tide (WIRT) at 208-301-8039 for 12:30 pm Moscow, Idaho, carpools, and Terry Hill of Spokane Rising Tide at for 3:00 pm Spokane, Washington, carpools to Missoula on Thursday afternoon, March 13. Montana activists have arranged lodging for participants visiting Missoula. Plan to meet for this great indigenous-led event at the Rosauers parking lot at 2350 South Reserve in Missoula, at 12 midnight on Thursday/Friday, March 13-14. If you have any questions, please email Kathy Little Leaf at or or see the Indian Peoples Action facebook page at for more information. Based on the ever-changing schedule of transports in transit, WIRT will regularly update the tentative dates, times, places, and carpool arrangements of other Montana protesting and monitoring activities at various locations as they arise, on the WIRT website and facebook pages. Idle No More!


Round 3: Idaho & Montana Tar Sands Megaload Protests! (February 16 Wild Idaho Rising Tide)

WIRT’s Third Year: Cause for Celebration @ 1912 Center, Great Room
Mar 30 @ 1:30 am – 7:00 am

The third year of relentless Wild Idaho Rising Tide (WIRT) activism has delivered plenty to celebrate!*  So we invite everyone to the Third Annual Celebration of Wild Idaho Rising Tide, commemorating our anniversary as a direct action collective and reinvigorating our members, friends, and supporters for another year of confronting climate change perpetrators.  Between 6:30 pm and midnight on Saturday, March 29, revel in a parade and benefit concert provided by four bands, along with home-cooked, potluck dinner and desert, beer and wine for purchase, and dozens of raffle prizes donated by community members and businesses.  Please join dirty energy resisters at the 1912 Center Great Room, 412 East Third Street in Moscow, Idaho, for a well-deserved wild time full of spirited conversation and danceable, singable music played by these remarkable artists:


Moscow Volunteer Peace Band


Depending on weather conditions, this year’s festivities will again begin with a parade converging at Friendship Square at 6:30 pm, and circling through downtown Moscow to the 1912 Center.  Peace is more fun than fossil fuel wars, so bring your protest signs, chants, and instruments to gather up rebellious party-goers.  Check out When the Saints Go Marching In performed by the Peace Band for the 2013 Moscow Mardi Gras at


Matti Sand


An artist who creates environmentally friendly, handmade jewelry, dolls, and greeting cards from her mountain home in the heart of Clearwater Valley, Matti writes and performs original songs on acoustic guitar, accompanied by lead guitarist John Fershee.  Playing together for a decade, they have recorded and self-released two albums of indie folk music entitled ‘One’ (2008) and ‘Two’ (2010), distributed in individually drawn, recycled cardboard cases.  Watch May 2012 footage of their Angel Dreams performance drawn from a Russian poem, at the 39th annual Moscow Renaissance Fair at


Mother Yeti


Zack Degler and Bill Tracy on guitar, drums, and vocals offer their dynamic, experimental, and psychedelic rock without bandmate Mike Halliday’s input on bass, keyboards, and vocals for this event.  Currently developing and capturing their repertoire through a somewhat primitive, home-recording approach, Mother Yeti has been playing scores of gigs over the last two years, saving their earnings for some real studio time.  With plenty of commitment and practice, they plan to tour the Earth and other planets soon.  Listen to their tune Up Or Down at


Henry C and the Willards


Originally formed to play for a September 2012 birthday party, this regional blues/rock band features musicians Henry Willard on guitar, dobro, and harmonica, Jeanne McHale on piano and vocals, Doug Park on bass and mandolin, Nels Peterson on drums, Terri Grzebielski on acoustic guitar and vocals, and Donna Holmes on percussion and vocals.  The band members have played with Kelley Riley, Charlie Sutton, The Hot Flashes, and several other performers.  View their musical videos at


With hearty thanks to Erik Jacobson for his event flyer design and to Jeanne McHale for co-coordinating the multiple entertainment and publicity aspects of this March 29 anniversary and fundraising party, Wild Idaho Rising Tide eagerly anticipates another lively evening gathering, enjoying shared camaraderie, live music and dancing, and plenty of rowdy fun.  To savor our successes, hundreds of selected photos and videos of our demonstrations and initiatives will cycle through a background slide show.  Do not miss this upcoming opportunity to support the exuberant activism of Idaho’s courageous, frontline challengers of the corporate, industrial, root causes of climate change for only $5 or greater voluntary admission contributions.  Please visit the WIRT website and facebook pages for further information, and print and post the color Third Annual Celebration of WIRT Flyer.  Contact or 208-301-8039 to assist with preparing for and staging WIRT’s big night.

Direct Action Training Sessions for Keystone XL Pipeline/Mammoet Megaloads @ The Attic (up the back stairs)
Apr 6 @ 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm

Wednesday to Sunday, April 2 to 6: Mammoet Megaload Meetings


Wild Idaho Rising Tide (WIRT) and allies are postponing plans from tomorrow, Wednesday, March 26, until next week, April 2 to 6, to meet and offer presentations, as described in the March 20 WIRT newsletter, about the proposed Highway 95/200 Mammoet megaloads [1].  We are working hard to confront these monsters, but the Coeur d’Alene Idaho Transportation Department office did not respond to our public records request by Monday, as required by Idaho law.  WIRT is rescheduling our Plummer and Sandpoint convergences and adding Coeur d’Alene and Moscow training sessions during next week and weekend, and will send a full report/announcement about the situation soon.


Tribal & Climate Activists Gathering about Mammoet Megaloads

* Wednesday, April 3, 5:30 to 7:30 pm: East Bonner County – Sandpoint Library Room 103-4, 1407 Cedar Street, Sandpoint, Idaho

* Friday, April 4, 5:30 to 7:30 pm: Benewah Wellness Center Room B, 1100 A Street, Plummer, Idaho


Direct Action Training Sessions for Keystone XL Pipeline/Mammoet Megaloads

* Saturday, April 5, 12 noon to 4 pm: Coeur d’Alene Library Community Room, 702 East Front Avenue, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

* Sunday, April 6, 12 noon to 4 pm: The Attic, up the back stairs of 314 East Second Street, Moscow, Idaho

Webinar: Nitrogen Management and Climate Change Mitigation @ WSU - Online event
Apr 17 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Webinar: Nitrogen Management and Climate Change Mitigation in Pacific Northwest Cropping Systems 

Presented by Georgine Yorgey WSU 10:00 -11:00 a.m Webinar


Login as a guest on April 17, 2014. Previous webinars (archived here) provided a foundation on nitrogen cycling and losses in agricultural systems, and an overview of nitrous oxide emissions in cropland agriculture. These webinars are co-produced by the Regional Approaches to Climate Change for Pacific Northwest Agriculture Project (REACCH) and WSU’s Center.


WSU Earth Day Tabling Event @ Terrell Mall, WSU
Apr 22 @ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Please come celebrate all that Earth provides on April 22nd at the biggest Earth Day Fair ever on WashingtonState University’s Terrell Mall. This year there will be at least 25 Washington and Idaho community groups and WSU student groups that are involved in the sustainability of Earth tabling on The Mall. In addition to all the conscious groups that will be tabling and informing students, faculty, staff, and the public community of their sustainability-related mission, there will be an open-microphone for anyone to freely speak about the environment, other open-mic entertainment, and free “Earth Week 2014”: sustainable coffee mugs, magnets, t-shirts, and drawstring bags for visiting some of the Earth Day Fair group tables and learning about what they are all about. There will be many opportunities to get involved in the conservation, preservation, and restoration of Earth through the 25 groups that will be there.  The WSU Earth Day Fair is sponsored by the ASWSU Environmental Sustainability Alliance and WSU Environmental Science Club. We truly hope to see there!

Booksigning, “Goliath Staggered” @ Bookpeople of Moscow
Apr 24 @ 2:00 am – 3:30 am

On April 3rd in Boise, journalist and Idaho Magazine managing editor Steve Bunk will launch his new book “Goliath Staggered.” The book “follows the rise, growth, and triumph of the people’s movement to prevent major oil companies from transforming Highway 12’s federally protected Wild and Scenic River corridor through northern Idaho into a high-and-wide industrial thoroughfare.”

Book signing party: Moscow: April 23rd, 7 p.m., at BookPeople, 521 S. Main, 208-882-2669. Event sponsors: Friends of the Clearwater and Wild Idaho Rising Tide.