
Benefit Concert for Arrested Nez Perce Megaload Blockaders @ Unitarian Universalist Church of the Palouse
Sep 21 @ 1:30 am – 6:00 am

We have finalized arrangements for a Nez Perce megaload blockaders benefit concert at the Unitarian Church in Moscow and will bring our plans to the Tribal Activist Meeting tonight (Sept. 5). The Friday, September 20, tentative performance schedule sees the Moscow Volunteer Peace Band (Fritz Knorr contact) marching from Friendship Square/(downtown loop?) at 6:30 pm, Jeanne McHale and the Threat Level Purple Singers playing at 7 pm, the Galactic Tofu Farmers (Chris Norden and Leontina Hormel contacts) taking the stage at 8 or 8:30 pm, and Undiscovered Country (Tom Drake contact) performing at 9:30 or 10 pm. For further information, contact Helen Yost at

Public Meeting: Millennium Bulk Terminals Longview (MBTL) proposal @ Spokane Convention Center
Sep 25 @ 11:00 pm – Sep 26 @ 3:00 am

The scoping period for the environmental review process is Aug. 16 to Nov. 18. During this period, comments to assist in a decision of what impacts to analyze in an environmental impact statement (EIS) will be gathered. During the scoping period there will be multiple ways for the public to submit comments, including online, by mail, by email and at public scoping meetings.

More information at Washington State Department of Ecology

Palouse Basin Water Summit @ Schweitzer Engineering Conference Center
Oct 1 @ 11:30 pm – Oct 2 @ 3:00 am

“Our Liquid Asset”

Presentation: “What’s the fuss about labeling foods containing genetically engineered organisms(GEO)?” by Toyoko Tsukuda @ WSU, CUE 202
Oct 3 @ 10:00 pm – 11:30 pm

Toyoko_TsukudaToyoko Tsukuda, Emeritus of University of New Mexico, School Medicine, Albuquerque and Ph.D. in Molecular Biology, at Cornell University Medical College, New York, Postdoctoral fellow at Yale University Medical School, New Haven CT and at Pacific Northwest National Lab, Richland WA will be giving a presentation at Washington State University on Thursday, October 3rd at 3:00pm in CUE 202.


Topics of Toyoko Tsukuda’s presentation:

  • What do you know about GE organisms?
  • What is the impact of GEO in our lives?
  • What are the new studies telling us?


This presentation is brought to you by the Washington State University Environmental Science Club.

Presentation, “The Whole Story of Climate Change” by E. Kirsten Peters @ 1912 Center, Great Room
Oct 11 @ 2:00 am – 3:30 am

Sponsored by Friends of the Moscow Library. She recently published a book on this subject. PESC tried to set up a presentation from her back at the beginning of this year but conflicts got in the way. Her talk should be interesting and perhaps controversial because she presents climate change from the perspective of geologic history. Flyer about E. Kirsten Peters talk, “The Whole Story of Climate Change.”


While the recent work of climate scientists has added
greatly to our understanding of the fragility of climate, the
public rarely hears from geologists— even though
geologists have been studying climate change for almost
200 years. The typical American has the impression that
climate would be stable if it weren’t for industrialization and
the production of greenhouse gases from smokestacks and
cars. However, geologic history reveals a ceaselessly
changing climate going back millions of years before the
modern economy.


As The Whole Story of Climate explains, several long, cold
spells have been punctuated by short, warm ones. We are,
in fact, currently living in one of the short, warm periods
that the Earth has seen many times before. There is even a
serious hypothesis worth exploring that if it weren’t for the
greenhouse gases created for millennia by agriculture we
would today be headed back into a time of bitterly cold
temperatures worthy of the mastodons and mammoths
many of us read about as children.


Elsa Kirsten Peters grew up in Pullman. She was a geology major
at Princeton and earned her PhD in geology at Harvard. She has
taught undergraduate geology at WSU and is the author of several
books, as well as the syndicated “Rock Doc” newspaper column.
She has also published murder mysteries under the pen name
Irene Allen.

“What’s Up with Hanford Cleanup?” presentation by Ginger Wireman @ Unitarian Universalist Church of the Palouse
Nov 13 @ 3:00 am – 4:30 am

The Hanford cleanup is costing taxpayers billions each year. We regularly hear about radioactive leaks and delays in processing waste. What’s the rest of the story? Ginger Wireman’s presentation, ‘What’s Up with Hanford Cleanup?’ will explain the current status of Hanford cleanup and the State of Washington’s role in cleanup oversight. Wireman has been a community outreach and environmental education specialist with the Washington Dept. of Ecology’s Nuclear Waste Program since 2001. She has an MS in Environmental Studies and has written and illustrated a children’s book, ‘If Wishes Had Wings’, which explores the animals and habitats of the Washington shrub steppe and Cascade Mountains through a child’s imagination. This presentation will be at 7 p.m., Tuesday, November 12, at the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Palouse, 420 E. Second St., Moscow. Sponsored by Palouse Group of the Sierra Club and Palouse Environmental Sustainability Coalition. For further information, contact Al Poplawsky.

A Healing Walk Through the Alberta Tar Sands @ 1912 Center, Arts Workshop Room
Dec 7 @ 11:00 pm – Dec 8 @ 1:00 am

Megaloads? Tar Sands? Pipelines? Climate Change? What’s the Connection? Explore these questions with local citizens who journeyed to the tar sands of northern Alberta to join the First Nations (Native Americans) and other concerned citizens from across the continent for the Healing Walk. Led by First Nations elders and leaders, participants witnessed the scale of environmental devastation caused by tar sands mining and crude oil processing.


Six local healing walkers will share what they learned on their solidarity journey, connecting the local and regional megaloads, huge pipeline projects, impacts on people and places, and overarching climate change and moral issues. Their presentation and discussion, A Healing Walk Through the Alberta Tar Sands, will be on Saturday, December 7 from 3 to 5pm. This event is in the Arts Workshop room immediately following the Winter Market at the 1912 Center, 412 E. Third St., Moscow. Sponsored by the Palouse Environmental Sustainability Coalition, Wild Idaho Rising Tide, Idaho Sierra Club and 350 Idaho. For further information, contact Pat Fuerst,

Planet Ocean: Why the Law of the Sea Matters in 21st Century America @ 1912 Center, Fiske Room
Jan 29 @ 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm

(from Pat Rathmann) “Our UUCP friend and law professor Anastasia Telesetsky is giving a talk on “Planet Ocean: Why the Law of the Sea Matters in 21st Century America” This Wednesday at 12 noon in the Fiske Room. I plan on going. Maybe we can get her to give an evening presentation for our group.”

Webinar: Nitrogen Management and Climate Change Mitigation @ WSU - Online event
Apr 17 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Webinar: Nitrogen Management and Climate Change Mitigation in Pacific Northwest Cropping Systems 

Presented by Georgine Yorgey WSU 10:00 -11:00 a.m Webinar


Login as a guest on April 17, 2014. Previous webinars (archived here) provided a foundation on nitrogen cycling and losses in agricultural systems, and an overview of nitrous oxide emissions in cropland agriculture. These webinars are co-produced by the Regional Approaches to Climate Change for Pacific Northwest Agriculture Project (REACCH) and WSU’s Center.


WSU Earth Day Tabling Event @ Terrell Mall, WSU
Apr 22 @ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Please come celebrate all that Earth provides on April 22nd at the biggest Earth Day Fair ever on WashingtonState University’s Terrell Mall. This year there will be at least 25 Washington and Idaho community groups and WSU student groups that are involved in the sustainability of Earth tabling on The Mall. In addition to all the conscious groups that will be tabling and informing students, faculty, staff, and the public community of their sustainability-related mission, there will be an open-microphone for anyone to freely speak about the environment, other open-mic entertainment, and free “Earth Week 2014”: sustainable coffee mugs, magnets, t-shirts, and drawstring bags for visiting some of the Earth Day Fair group tables and learning about what they are all about. There will be many opportunities to get involved in the conservation, preservation, and restoration of Earth through the 25 groups that will be there.  The WSU Earth Day Fair is sponsored by the ASWSU Environmental Sustainability Alliance and WSU Environmental Science Club. We truly hope to see there!

Series, “Years of Living Dangerously” @ Kenworthy Performing Arts Center
Apr 29 @ 2:00 am – 3:30 am

“YEARS OF LIVING DANGEROUSLY” Episodes 2 & 3, this Monday, 7 pm

As this is short notice, please spread the word !!!!!

[You are invited to join our meeting to brainstorm about these showings tomorrow, Sunday at 3pm at BookPeople at the table in the back.]


Epsiode 2: End of the Woods: Deforesting Indonesia. Plus, elite firefighters battle a new breed of fire.

Episode 3: The Surge (or Rising Tide): A skeptical Congressman and Superstorm Sandy. Collecting key climate data.


***Folks who want to see Episode 1Dry Season: Globetrotting docu-series on the impact of climate change, can still see it for free at YouTube and


The schedule for all 8 remaining episodes of “Years of Living Dangerously” below:

All screenings are at 7pm

  • Monday 4/28- Episode 2 & 3
  • Monday 5/5 “bye” week
  • Monday 5/12- Episode 4
  • Monday 5/19- Episode 5
  • Tuesday 5/27- Episode 6
  • Monday 6/2- Episode 7
  • Monday 6/9- Episode 8
  • Monday 6/16- Episode 9


For further information on this series:


Facebook Sites for this series:

Rachel Clark’s site, co-organizer, strongly recommended

The YEARS official FB page:

PESC Facebook site:

Series, “Years of Living Dangerously” @ Kenworthy Performing Arts Center
May 5 @ 2:00 am – 3:30 am

“YEARS OF LIVING DANGEROUSLY” Episodes 2 & 3, this Monday, 7 pm

As this is short notice, please spread the word !!!!!

[You are invited to join our meeting to brainstorm about these showings tomorrow, Sunday at 3pm at BookPeople at the table in the back.]


Epsiode 2: End of the Woods: Deforesting Indonesia. Plus, elite firefighters battle a new breed of fire.

Episode 3: The Surge (or Rising Tide): A skeptical Congressman and Superstorm Sandy. Collecting key climate data.


***Folks who want to see Episode 1Dry Season: Globetrotting docu-series on the impact of climate change, can still see it for free at YouTube and


The schedule for all 8 remaining episodes of “Years of Living Dangerously” below:

All screenings are at 7pm

  • Monday 4/28- Episode 2 & 3
  • Monday 5/5 “bye” week
  • Monday 5/12- Episode 4
  • Monday 5/19- Episode 5
  • Tuesday 5/27- Episode 6
  • Monday 6/2- Episode 7
  • Monday 6/9- Episode 8
  • Monday 6/16- Episode 9


For further information on this series:


Facebook Sites for this series:

Rachel Clark’s site, co-organizer, strongly recommended

The YEARS official FB page:

PESC Facebook site:

Series, “Years of Living Dangerously” @ Kenworthy Performing Arts Center
May 12 @ 2:00 am – 3:30 am

“YEARS OF LIVING DANGEROUSLY” Episodes 2 & 3, this Monday, 7 pm

As this is short notice, please spread the word !!!!!

[You are invited to join our meeting to brainstorm about these showings tomorrow, Sunday at 3pm at BookPeople at the table in the back.]


Epsiode 2: End of the Woods: Deforesting Indonesia. Plus, elite firefighters battle a new breed of fire.

Episode 3: The Surge (or Rising Tide): A skeptical Congressman and Superstorm Sandy. Collecting key climate data.


***Folks who want to see Episode 1Dry Season: Globetrotting docu-series on the impact of climate change, can still see it for free at YouTube and


The schedule for all 8 remaining episodes of “Years of Living Dangerously” below:

All screenings are at 7pm

  • Monday 4/28- Episode 2 & 3
  • Monday 5/5 “bye” week
  • Monday 5/12- Episode 4
  • Monday 5/19- Episode 5
  • Tuesday 5/27- Episode 6
  • Monday 6/2- Episode 7
  • Monday 6/9- Episode 8
  • Monday 6/16- Episode 9


For further information on this series:


Facebook Sites for this series:

Rachel Clark’s site, co-organizer, strongly recommended

The YEARS official FB page:

PESC Facebook site:

Series, “Years of Living Dangerously” @ Kenworthy Performing Arts Center
May 19 @ 2:00 am – 3:30 am

“YEARS OF LIVING DANGEROUSLY” Episodes 2 & 3, this Monday, 7 pm

As this is short notice, please spread the word !!!!!

[You are invited to join our meeting to brainstorm about these showings tomorrow, Sunday at 3pm at BookPeople at the table in the back.]


Epsiode 2: End of the Woods: Deforesting Indonesia. Plus, elite firefighters battle a new breed of fire.

Episode 3: The Surge (or Rising Tide): A skeptical Congressman and Superstorm Sandy. Collecting key climate data.


***Folks who want to see Episode 1Dry Season: Globetrotting docu-series on the impact of climate change, can still see it for free at YouTube and


The schedule for all 8 remaining episodes of “Years of Living Dangerously” below:

All screenings are at 7pm

  • Monday 4/28- Episode 2 & 3
  • Monday 5/5 “bye” week
  • Monday 5/12- Episode 4
  • Monday 5/19- Episode 5
  • Tuesday 5/27- Episode 6
  • Monday 6/2- Episode 7
  • Monday 6/9- Episode 8
  • Monday 6/16- Episode 9


For further information on this series:


Facebook Sites for this series:

Rachel Clark’s site, co-organizer, strongly recommended

The YEARS official FB page:

PESC Facebook site:

Oaksdale Wind Farm information and tour
May 22 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm

We plan to meet at 12, carpool out to the Oaksdale office, with Powerpoint presentation there at 1, followed by a site visit. Since the office is limited to 25 to 30 people, we need you to sign up for this event. Please either use the “Signup Genius” site link here: or contact us and we will sign you up.